God asked His devoted one, “My dear one that calls My name................Who in no moment judges My will.....................Who thanks Me profusely even when I send tests you way to you I ask, “Why do you love Me so?" The devoted child heard the voice of his Father............"Dear Father O how I weep even before I speak your name................Each time I think of you I remember not the moment that passed and fear not the moment to come............. I thank you O Sweet Merciful One each time you entrust me with your task...................And I cannot even attempt to understand Your bounteous Grace that has protected me so...........each time! I am fortunate for I have become blinded to time in which this world lives plays eats drinks and breaths..................I see your light shine on Me...............I hear you footsteps that walk with Me...............I know your Hand that blesses me when I even try and begin to think for my welfare...............I see your thousand eyes within mine that watch my moments that I live in this body................You have placed within my every heart beat the security of Your precious name................You have cried for me even before I have shed my very first tear..................and you have O Lord kept me asleep with the song of faith in the moments of pain that I earned with my misdeeds and misconducts.......... How then do You ask O Good One of my love for You.........................All of this that you call graciously my love is nothing but in truth the reflection of Your love that shines within me...............I am no perfect devotee My Lord ...............neither is my devotion..................It is you that is perfect...................It is Your love that overflows through my every being.................It is You that makes me ......me..................and it is You that hides so the world sees But to anyone that asks I shall tell.....................It is my Lord that loves me..............Do not be deluded dear brothers and sisters for my" I "has long been dead................What you see before you is the body....... in which...............lives.................the heart of our sweet Lord..................And within your heart He alone is.................Even if the "I" speaks let the prayer to the Merciful One be louder......................Use the wealth of His name that He has placed within you.....................Share the gifts of the world until the hand holds tightly the final gift of faith..................Let the tests of time come.............they will take your leave if you are lost completely in the love that God has for you............... Be strong for truth does not reveal itself to the one that is yet not ready .........................Realize you can leave God with your doubts......................but He shall never leave you..................His heart is always with you................. All you have to do is to enter through the open doors............................ |